Hey! I've gon to con's with only enough money to pay for my badge and room. I eat at the consuite, and I bring my pocket meat with me, and I have a great time. And I wouldn't dare bitch about paying $10 for a full color badge. But that's just me.
I can't say I'm sorry that these sites are going down, since I never used any of them, and for the most part never even knew of their existence. In fact, I don't care. But I do read Flayrah daily, and not just because the guy who runs it is dead sexy [*big wet kissy-smootches Aureth*]. It is interesting, and amusing, and informative, and fun. I would be sad if it went away.
But hopefully it won't. Mad propz to the cornwuff :)
Hey! I've gon to con's with only enough money to pay for my badge and room. I eat at the consuite, and I bring my pocket meat with me, and I have a great time. And I wouldn't dare bitch about paying $10 for a full color badge. But that's just me.
I can't say I'm sorry that these sites are going down, since I never used any of them, and for the most part never even knew of their existence. In fact, I don't care. But I do read Flayrah daily, and not just because the guy who runs it is dead sexy [*big wet kissy-smootches Aureth*]. It is interesting, and amusing, and informative, and fun. I would be sad if it went away.
But hopefully it won't. Mad propz to the cornwuff :)