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Actually, the reason they look like humans wearing animal masks is because all the characters are small bodied and fully clothed. You can't see anything but the heads.

They're anthropomorphic animals all right, but this is a real nasty art style, totally devoid of cuteness. Though, actually, I have examples of a lot of Funny Animal comics in hideous styles like this from the 80's.

Animal Farm itself was somewhat hideous. So it could be said that Furry has a long tradition of stuff like this, particularly in works that are meant to appeal to art snobs and politically minded adults. And though I would never venture to say this is not Furry anthropomorphics well in accordance with the general guidelines of the established Furry Fandom, I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I feel some obligation to like this just because I'm a Furry fan.

But does it make this "Not Furry" just because one Furry, or even a whole message board full of Furries, doesn't like it? Could be a subject for a deep philosophical debate on the actual nature of fandom, if anyone wanted to be bothered thinking that hard about such a trivial subject.


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