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Yes - I think. I point out in my reviews whether there is a point for the characters being anthropomorphized animals, not so much because I think that this is 'wrong', but because this does matter to some readers, and to let readers know so they can consider this in deciding whether or not to read the story.

I consider that there is a difference between stories in which all of the characters are human sized, share a human omnivorous diet, have only a human sense of smell, etc., and those that do factor the different sizes, diets, etc. into account, whether they "explain why the characters are anthro animals" or not. And I do consider it "wrong" when some aspect of a character's animal nature would make the anthropomorphism "not work", such as a unicorn with a long horn wearing T-shirts or other clothing that are pulled over the head, or anthro birds with big wings wearing upper-body clothing that ignores this, or lying on their backs.

Fred Patten


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