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Alright, this argument looks like it's about done. Neither side is getting convinced of much. I have seen more than enough great furry writing and have written more than enough myself to be entirely happy and self-assured. You have your ideas to which you hold fast.

All I have to say is this: Writing's an art. Live a little, man! Explore! All this rigidity and strange, self-imposed rules; whom do they help? All they do is turn writing into a formula, and that's just dull. You said you're "interested in being interesting" as opposed to open-minded (not being open-minded and being an artist at the same time boggles me, but OK). Fine; do it. Write a story, write a novel. Put your money where your mouth is and prove how interesting you really are. Talking writing furry fiction is great and all, but actually writing it is another matter entirely.

That's pretty much it. I never really meant for this to spin out into an argument, but people with that awful mindset of "your opinion (a thing which by its definition can't be wrong) is invalid, and I'm right" just really tend to make me cringe. It's art. There is no right answer; and people who think they have it are just full of hot air.

Good day.


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