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I hope you're successful in this, however, I then wonder if any other hobby sites other then flayrah have covered it, or covered it at any other convention then Anthrocon? Cause while the whole "we're inviting our IRL friends" thing is nice, the real question is are other furries going to be doing that? Or will they be prioritizing their furry friends? And as far as larger audiences goes have you promoted this in a congregation of non-furries rather then just one-offs.

Human beings are naturally cliquey. Furries are certainly no different, and so are non-furries. I mean, people are already asking for "human only/non-furry" forum sections. Getting the ability to customize it so this realization that they are among "others they do not want" vanishes is one thing, promoting so that all sides come on as equals is another. Because if a majority of the work updated is furry, those who have all furry stuff blocked are not going to get as many updates. So they may not come on as often, then not at all (Of course the saving grace on this might be furries who dabble in non-furry things, like those who are livid at Inkbunny's policy).

Going to your non-furry friends is a good thing, from what I've seen though the community has been promoted in furry communities more the non-furry communities. So while the intent may not be create a 'base', it may form anyway.

Unless you somehow are able to promote this at a more general non-furry audience convention or art site.


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