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Example image? If you mean the image of our mascot, I didn't choose the illustration for this article, so there's not much I can say about that (although there is a fantastic gallery of Wesley art over here:

There's nothing behind those statistics though. I'm not sure how you expect to have a serious conversation when you're just extrapolating percentages out of thin air. And yes, I would say there's a pretty good deal of demand, considering the issues that have plagued both dA and FA for years (although dA at least addresses some of them), and how we passed our goal with flying colors, not to mention a lot of well-known artists giving donations.

There's no need to keep people out because they produce bad art. Bad art is subjective, and everyone starts somewhere. If someone really hates looking at someone's submissions because they're of poor quality, they'll be able to filter based on the user, something neither FA or dA offers. It's all about giving the user control, without giving them authority.


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