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They don't break it down (probably because they don't know their load yet), but EC2 isn't exactly cheap either. In practice, the biggest advantage can come from the flexibility, and the time saved on handling server spin-up or recovery (which can be significant - consider the month of downtime FA had when their server died on them).

Promotion also isn't cheap. I ended up spending $1000 on WikiFur, and that was just to get enough flyers for AC, MFF and FC, contributor business cards, and some advertising on Yahoo and Google. (Google AdWords had the best results, though Yahoo gave me an executive corkscrew set at Christmas for some reason.)

You could look on this as a way of getting people to buy memberships in advance. The site may be self-funding eventually, but they're starting from nothing, and I don't know that either of the co-owners could fund the startup themselves.


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