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Hi Rakuen!

I don't think I've seen 'The Great Mouse Detective', so I guess I have something to look forward to.

I agree with you on the whole creativity issue, however, there are only so many genres to choose from and people seem reluctant to go out on a limb with something new and truly creative, when there are so many successful franchises to resurrect.

Also, in my opinion the quality of the music (or lack thereof), stems from the fact that it's gotten too easy to make animated movies.
I just streamed 'The Secret Of NIMH' (Legally as I own a copy) and I realized how much of an effort it must have been to make at the time.
When you really put your heart into making something, as opposed to it just coming out the Disney factory line, I'm willing to bet you don't want to ruin it with the music of some cheesy pop group that's going to be forgotten or hated in a few years.

Well, as I am already expressing MY opinion, I will say this, I would prefer 80's animation over the computer generated "Insert derogatory term here" we have now.



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