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What this is really saying is, among furs who prefer porn, are cool with art theft and know about this less publicized site, there's 3% that enjoy cub. This hardly justifies the [adjective][species] tendency to say a lot of furs do this or that. What the numbers actually show is that so few furs are into cub that it hardly warrants the discussion.

I've said it many times over the years. The fandom most guilty of encouraging a sexual interest in under age characters is Anime. Anyone who was seriously worried about this issue would be coming down on all the Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura porn. (And God knows what else they've done since I left to get away from all that)

But Anime Fandom doesn't get bugged about the subject anywhere near as much as we do. We're the only fandom in the world that is expected to bow its head in everlasting shame because of a lousy 3% of the submissions on a massive porn art piracy sight that none of us have any control over.

These people who project the illusion of Furry being overly infested with pedophiles have no interest in protecting children at all. They have interest in either making Furries feel degraded, or insuring that we develop a real problem with it.

It's Furry politics, not reality. It's people who want us to have a problem, tempting us to create a problem by putting undue focus on that 3%, which they hope will divide the fandom and get half of us standing up for cub porn, fanning that 3% into 50%.

But this will only work if they're really good at political manipulation, and if we are as dumb as they think we are.


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