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"underage characters"


It would be more healthy if they were attracted to characters their own age, like Bugs Bunny.

Leprechauns appear child-sized, but they're actually hundreds of years old. So it's OK to be attracted to them too.

The ‘stepping stone’ argument – that exposure to cub porn may lead to a fantasy life that may allow a paedophile to consider the real possibility of raping a child

In 1986, some whackos teamed up to attack porn. There were radical feminists (the kind that think all heterosexual sex degrades women,) and "Moral Majority" conservative christians, partners at the Meese commission. Their conceit was to protect women from violence by banning porn. As Robin Morgan said, "pornography is the theory, rape is the practice."

A few years later, sticky fingered computer geeks made porn more widely available than ever before. Now here we are, and crime rates have been on a decades long downward trend. HMMM.

I'm proud to live in an era where, as the 1585 said, the internet is the Chicxulub Asteroid for anti-porn extremists. I have a thing against absurd moralistic bullshit.


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