There is a big problem with doing this however, according to the news article surrounding the BBQ case it seems the officials are saying "if anything else happens we'll have to cut ties with the EMT service."
So while it sounds good on paper to give them what for directly, it'd be like going after your boss legally, oh you can win the case, just don't expect to have a job when all is said and done.
I think these fine volunteers have been through enough, and the furries who work for them have had their fill of politicians that only NJ can produce.
At this point, furries know what happened, people who read the comments on these stories know what happened. The officials know what they did. I hope this violation of the 9th was worth it to them. Seems kind of a waste souls, if you're going to violate a commandment there are better things to do it with then crashing a furry party.
There is a big problem with doing this however, according to the news article surrounding the BBQ case it seems the officials are saying "if anything else happens we'll have to cut ties with the EMT service."
So while it sounds good on paper to give them what for directly, it'd be like going after your boss legally, oh you can win the case, just don't expect to have a job when all is said and done.
I think these fine volunteers have been through enough, and the furries who work for them have had their fill of politicians that only NJ can produce.
At this point, furries know what happened, people who read the comments on these stories know what happened. The officials know what they did. I hope this violation of the 9th was worth it to them. Seems kind of a waste souls, if you're going to violate a commandment there are better things to do it with then crashing a furry party.