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"Other types of manipulation and pressure in the fandom are the normal kind you would expect in a fandom. On 2 Gryphon's now defunked message board I once dared to criticize a certain video he had made. I then quickly learned it was politically incorrect to suggest the gryphon could do any wrong in front of his fandom."

I know this I was there. That is the idolization thing that could stem into bigger problem. Lucky for us 2 is just an opinionated guy but certainly isn't criminal. Those who have responsibility in this fandom and are put on a pillar mostly do seem to have their heads on straight, they may gaff once in awhile, but don't think any of them would cover something up like this.

If someone with a major fan base does do something criminal and one has evidence of such that's why my suggestion would probably not to put it on a forum, just go right to the police. Are you going to get flak from their fans? Sure. But if you go on the internet and make claims before making official charges then they'll claim you did it for attention rather then doing the right thing.

I do hope that they don't ever go that far. To me it's always best to prepare for all possibilities even if they never happen. It's better to be prepared then unprepared.


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