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I can not offer examples of intimidation to silence legal issues in the fandom. There have been cases of child molesting Furries being arrested. They were all torn to pieces by the fandom. There have been cases of animal abusers in the fandom. They were reported to the law by Furries.

More commonly, there are cases of art theft and commission fraud, which the community provides entire sites devoted to calling such people out. And cases of Furries who tend to freeload and steal from other Furries. Wikifur articles tend to provide warnings about these people.

When it comes to any issue that involves the law, health or serious moral issues, this fandom has proved itself overly concerned and conscientious.

There is a political aspect to the fandom, though. But it is fandom politics. Mainly there are two factions divided over the issue of whether to play down Furry porn, or play it up. And in the past their political battles have been quite rude and oppressive to the common fan, who ordinarily doesn't care one way or another. He just consumes what he likes and doesn't care if other furs like something else.

Fortunately, the worst of that political mess is long behind us, and Furries in general have developed a live and let live attitude about the whole thing. I can't see us ever going down that road of insanity again.

Other types of manipulation and pressure in the fandom are the normal kind you would expect in a fandom. On 2 Gryphon's now defunked message board I once dared to criticize a certain video he had made. I then quickly learned it was politically incorrect to suggest the gryphon could do any wrong in front of his fandom.

And there are any number of such trivial issues over which trolls and political types will come out of the woodwork to put pressure on you.

One such issue is that some consider it politically incorrect to refer to anything made before 1980 as Furry. Another is the "It must be made by a Furry to be called Furry" issue. Along with other hotly contested but relatively trivial issues over which political types will offer incredible amounts of pressure to get you to go along with their point of view.

But that is the true nature of Furry politics. It is all about fandom issues that the outside world would regard as trivial in the extreme. I don't foresee it ever escalating into the range Sonious has projected.


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