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Nope, this isn't what I asked for. I'm asking you to back the point:

the point was the possibility of intimidation preventing people from doing something, for lack of a better term, outside of the accepted party line

This hypothetical concern STILL has nothing to back it up.

Example 1.

I didn't say you had to care about the Burned Furs, it was an example of people who think the fandom should be completely clean.

How are they able to prevent anyone from doing anything? Please give evidence.

Example 2.

it was an example of illegal activity in the fandom,

Reported easily, without a bit of prevention.

Example 3.

There's nothing wrong with going on TV

Chewfox was never prevented from speaking and going on TV. It's easy to give evidence that she meant to provoke reactions after she did, she wore a t-shirt saying so. This doesn't back up the hypothetical situation being speculated about. Attention whoring /= whistle-blowing.

Can you possibly find anything else that isn't grasping at straws? Please, avoid vague and insubstantial sensationalism, and we can all enjoy better quality writing here.


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