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"How much does one have to complain to be a big complainer versus just a little one?" or "If you complain a little, does that mean you're less cool then someone who doesn't complain at all?"

It doesn't matter. The point isn't about how much one complains and more about the complaining itself: Big Complainers are people who complain endlessly, yet provide no viable, positive solutions to the problems they complain about. The essays were written back when people who hadn't attended a Furry convention in over a decade were making pronouncements about how awful conventions were; when people who claimed to be concerned about Furry fandom's image were telling anyone who would listen to them what a cesspit it was; when people who had a problems at conventions would wait until they got home to rant about it on instead of doing something about it there at the convention; when people tried to try to kick people out of a fandom that anyone could join.

There are plenty of Cool Furries that complain, but they complain to people who can do something about the problem and (hopefully) fix it. The Big Complainers just complain to other Big Complainers on their Big Complainer message boards, because if the problem got fixed they wouldn't have anything to complain about. Therein lies the difference.


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