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Example 1. "The Burned Furs and whoever the modern day equivalent was". Go on... why should anyone care about them, and what modern day equivalent?

I didn't say you had to care about the Burned Furs, it was an example of people who think the fandom should be completely clean. That's what you asked for.

Example 2. "There have been furs that have been arrested for bestiality (and it was reported on Flayrah)." It was reported, now we have another contradiction to the point.

That's not a contradiction, it was an example of illegal activity in the fandom, something you asked for. Sonious said they "could be" intimidated from coming forward. That doesn't mean no one is pointing out illegal activity or saying things that could potentially damage the fandom's reputation.

Example 3. "I think it was Chewfox" - Yet another contradiction to the point. That isn't someone who was intimidated from speaking out to stop a problem, but someone who did the opposite, attention whoring to start one. Still this is the first link or quote that's come up that even half way demonstrates the concern:

Again that's a contradiction because the point was the possibility of intimidation preventing people from doing something, for lack of a better term, outside of the accepted party line. If someone sees over 400 unfriendly posts and sees her get banned over the incident then it is entirely possible that that person might reconsider doing anything that would result in the same consequences for them. You're actually more proving the point by implying that it's her own fault for going on TV. There's nothing wrong with going on TV and someone shouldn't be punished for holding a different viewpoint.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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