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Appreciate the article, but the comparison to Penn State Football makes no sense.

- Penn State is an institution, and football is regulated by organizations with firm rules. Furry fandom is a hobby and nobody's in charge. It isn't even definable without generalizing.

- Football is a massively promoted industry full of money, where single games gather more people than the whole furry fandom, and careers depend on it. Furry fandom is barely even mentionable outside of itself, and it barely matters if anyone spends money on it.

- Paterno had a highly paid career with authority over underlings. There's no such thing in furry outside of people's imaginations. He lied to protect his career for his own selfish gain, and so did they. They weren't just "afraid people would attack the institution of football". It was about power and money.

- People who would control the image of furry fandom don't have the power. All they can do is bicker, but nobody has to care what they say. (Uncle who?)

The best comparison that could be made is a pretty trivial one. An unorganized crowd at Penn State rioted for it when the scandal broke. Meanwhile they're considering canceling Penn State's entire program, so that was an ineffectual reaction. Furries can't even vandalize anything when they bicker.

It would be a better article without a bad analogy, and maybe without even mentioning football at all. It would be worth reading for specific examples of what the drama is. (I see one in there, the NJ BBQ event that I agree is worth writing about more. I would be curious to find out if anything actually happened or if it was a hoax, if we ever do find out anything else.)


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