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Musing on this issue I will say this. Amazon is in business to make money and perhaps many readers are unaware of the fact that a kindle book as well as a createspace book by any author could possibly be changed any day of the week. I have found that after buying a kindle book a second time, for my kindle fire as opposed to my kindle touch, that the same book would be a different version because I bought it days apart.

Amazon keeps a strict record of what file is used to print, so they can pay appropriate royalties, but none of this is ever mentioned to kindle consumers. Any kindle book may be altered at any time according to Amazon's internet business practices and some other companies have complained about them having a monopoly on the ereader market, which they do.

I would not choose anyone besides Amazon personally, though, because of the overall satisfaction I have both with their kindle and createspace program and their royalty option is very rewarding.


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