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Acton: although GreenReaper should not have made those assumptions, and yes, you are not alone in being an individualist and capitalist, i don't really mind the idea of creating a SEPARATE news feed for "furry perspectives on non-furry news," though I would prefer the newsfeed attempt to be as balanced, neutral and professional as possible.

giving an opinion piece is fine, but if you're going to be a Newspaper Editor, please attempt some professionalism, and attempt to do your homework before posting a piece for all of us to read.

I come to Flayrah as a newbie, I've never been here before, though I do know GreenReaper from Dallas and WikiFur.

I prefer not to receive non-furry news when I visit a furry news site, and definitely don't want non-furry news in an RSS newsfeed when i subscribe for highly relevant fandom-centric news.

Please keep on topic, guys.

GreenReaper: I look forward to meeting you again at Addison FurMeet. No hard feelings here.

Heaven is not a place, it's being with people who love you.


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