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Y'know, "unicorn" in the context of polyamory is a bisexual woman comfortable being "the girlfriend" in a three-partner relationship without eventually causing (often inadvertently) the other two to break up over her. Because such women are "as rare as".

Which would make Mitt Romney actually sort of hilarious, as a Rule 63 sexually and socially inverse image of himself. I'd prefer a funny candidate to the bigot he's thus far proven himself to be, as I'm somewhat disappointed with Obama's failure to realize early enough how little good his offers of compromise have done -- as well as his maintenance of Bush Jr's bad policies.

I want to see a true left-wing socialist get voted into a prominent position in US government, just to watch everyone's brains melt when we turn into Sweden instead of Russia (the fears of conservatives) or China (the fears of everyone else watching conservatives turn the US into China).


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