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There's no problem with Furs being involved in politics, but there is an issue, at least to me, that I am not American. US politics for me is a sideshow (Yes, I actually laugh at it at times). To be completely honest, it doesn't faze me at all that something like a Healthcare bill passed. I'm surprised it took this long and at the route it took. But to be honest, it doesn't interest me.
And I have a feeling that, like me, there are plenty of people who don't want to hear about it. It's akin to 'Loi 78' (Law 78) here in Quebec, and how it, in conjunction with the City of Montreal's new mask bylaw stopped What The fur from having an outdoor fursuit parade. It is politics, but it is such a small percentage of the population in the fandom that it affects and/or that can action it that it wouldn't make for a good article (my opinion).
Politics is politics. Furry overlaps, sure, but does it all need to be here?

Dark Bunny Sauces -


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