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Yes I will go the the poll and vote for Romney and any republican to overturn this travesty.

While you do have a right to you opinion (to which I retort you are wrong), you do not have a right to speak for the rest of us or me.

In fact it why I have a problem with any idea any community as defined, we end up with activist twit telling what position a community should take. What I take issue is taking the furry community as vehicle to push personal political agenda especially there a lot of divergent view in the furry community Christian, cultural conservative to Homosexual, atheist, leftist, yet we we can come together in the enjoyment of anthropomorphism.

While I am furry and do not consent to your idea of a furry community have have no part in it.

(speaking as a person with strong Individualist Capitalist with some objectivist leanings).


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