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"I am aware that many furries are not liberals, and many are not poor. What I intended to get across was "because this benefits the average member of furry fandom, especially the most vulnerable ones, we should vote for it."

It was an appeal to the furry sense of community and altruism. I hoped that those on the edge (in particular, those with no good reason to vote either way) would consider this a worthwhile reason to go to the polls."

In other words, sir, you suddenly and out of nowhere wished to use "Flayrah" as a forum to promote and seek support for your own personal agenda, and your own personal concept of right and wrong. _This_ is what flipped me out, especially since your views on this issue (and what constitutes right and wrong in regard to it) happen to directly contradict my own. How could you _not_ expect a powerful response of some kind, especially on something this important to the USA as a whole? I tried to head the whole thing off, and still regret that I failed. My subsequent actions constituted what I saw as the best available remaining approach.

On the twenty-fifth or thirtieth anniversary of the Fall of Saigon, I read a column whose author predicted that someday a ninety-year-old nursing home resident will stab his equally elderly room-mate to death in blind rage while arguing the ethics and morality of the Vietnam War. I can but agree, because it's an issue that can't and won't go away for those who lived though it. This issue is much the same. Ten or even twenty years from now this topic will _still_ be too hot to touch without causing pain, much like abortion or gun control. Better to deal with this sort of thing in more appropriate venues.


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