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One of my major issues with going down the route of political news with such tenuous connections to furry fandom is that to a much greater extent than ANY other news I've seen on Flayrah, it makes Flayrah look awfully US-centric.

Now, I don't think I'd mind if someone wrote an article about a recent Swedish supreme court decision freeing a manga translator from a previous possession of child pornography conviction on the basis that the images were unrealistic/clearly fantastic in nature - this has obvious relevance in that it's quite obvious if manga characters aren't realistic enough to be illegal, furry characters obviously should be. It will only affect a very small subset of furry fans, as Sweden is not a huge country, and people who enjoy erotic depiction of underage characters are not a majority subset of furries, but either way it's directly relevant to fandom. I don't mind when people write about furries getting arrested/convicted of crimes, though the vilification of the individuals can sometimes be rather disturbing. But writing about something that affects everyone in a country because furries are a subset of "everyone" is pushing it.

I mean, I find some of the more general animal-related articles to be of arguable interest already - I read Flayrah for furry news, not for feel-good news about a new species of frog being discovered. (Articles about animal intelligence or, say, animals getting normally "human" privileges like being the beneficiaries of testaments or riding the bus are IMO more furry interest than generic "here's some news about animals".) That's obviously my personal opinion and I'll just not read the articles concerned since many fans seem to disagree.

Honestly what strikes me as most irksome in this whole business is that people felt the need to write SEVERAL MORE ARTICLES after deciding they didn't like the first one. I don't care if you're making a point, if you think an article is off-topic, writing another egregiously off-topic article isn't the answer. Can we stop acting like children, please?


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