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By "group" you mean physically by city, county, state, city block, building? And if you live within the domain of one of these so-called groups, the choice of economic system is *completely voluntarily* imposed on you concensus, rather than a universal federal law - oh I know, you do have total 'liberty' to physically move out if that "group" suddenly decides upon a different economic system you do not want to live within. Of course, being "free to operate without external coercion" means no law to impose a fair process in which these decisions are made within these groups, when they are made or even whether they are even tenable. Individual liberty, what's that again? Human being being what they are, there is no "natural equilibrium" which tempers behavior in a "purely free" society, and one only has to look at human nature behind the wheel of a car to realize that.

Also, I don't think such a "laissez-faire" system would be entirely welcome to business in the sale & transport of goods across all these odd, differing economic societies with their own arbitrary laws and safety regulations - oh wait, these "groups" probably wouldn't bother with those - personal liberties...

Indeed, there can be no such thing as "individual liberty" under the system you describe because like it or leave it, human nature is human nature.


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