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To elaborate a bit. The reason the Right claims to be for the free market, but constantly compromises with the left, is because they're both starting from the same moral premise: altruism. Selfless sacrifice for others, the greater good, etc.

I honestly don't think the right has an altruistic bone in it's body anymore - and if you think the right "constantly compromises" with the left, then I wonder which government you are talking about.

How about some common sense:

This is not really about *just* about altruism, it's about our basic stability as a country. You see, when you leave people to rot hopelessly in poverty, they become desperate and tend to turn toward violent crime & drugs - a form of cancer on a society which has a tendency to spread out and WILL EFFECT YOU in one way or another. It's a disease that takes root as the children who grow up in these environments have a tendency to repeat the pattern. And your solution is "ignore it and it will go away."

No. But thanks for trying.

Thus Capitalism is the only morally righteous social system that has ever existed.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that capitalism is a religion. Wow. How wrong you are about everything. What is 'morally righteous' about capitalism when, say, PG&E failed to properly maintain gas lines, even after frequent complaints from residents & with funds granted, fails to do anything - and massive explosion destroys dozens of homes and 8 human beings forever in San Bruno, Ca. Just one example of countless.

I'm fighting for Capitalism, knowing that I'm fighting for what's right. That's what it will take to win.

Wow, that's a bit.....weird. How exactly do you "fight for capitalism" exactly? Go read up on a word called 'externalities' - or better yet go rent "Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room" or "The Corporation" if you want a more nuanced picture of what you say you're fighting for.

Fun convo, by the way. Thanks :)


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