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A moral government cannot give you free health care any more than a burglar can give you "free" televisions. Government produces nothing. Government can only redistribute. To say that you want something from the government which is produced by individuals is to say that you want the government to seize it from someone else on your behalf.

My position is that I would like you, Taryn, to have healthcare. I also would like for individuals to be free.

This means that I am against government mandates. I don't regard anyone else as my property, and so I can't forcibly compel them to give me things directly, or via a middle man. If you want this to be a free country, there is no other position you could take either.

This also means that I support other ways for you to get healthcare, including through charities. I have personally volunteered time, and have made blood and financial donations that support people like yourself. I am also aware that most medical facilities charge me a premium that compensates for their giving some percentage of their service to people who cannot pay. I have no objection to this, and if I did I could choose a clinic that didn't have such practices.

Which part of the above makes me a "slimewad?"


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