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The government expanded its power by essentially levying fines when we don't do what it wants, and you think it's "magical thinking" to equate that to an expansion of power?

The "swiss-cheese" argument here is yours.

I think you meant to say "health care is expensive and hospitals have to treat people whether they can pay or not".

Why is health care so expensive? Oh, perhaps because it's the most heavily regulated and subsidized industry in the history of America. If not the most heavily regulated and subsidized, then it's up there with the banking industry.

Regulation artificially lowers supply by making it more difficult and expensive for producers to produce. Subsidies to consumers artificially increase demand by giving consumers "free" money to purchase goods/services. When you have low supply and high demand, prices skyrocket. This is basic, middle school economics that everyone should know, but sadly they don't.

Government intervention is the source of all our economic problems. In a free market, health care would be affordable and more efficient. And if there are procedures that people still can't afford, a free-market solution is financing, making payments on the bill, etc.

I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. Neither a Liberal nor a Conservative. But let's be honest. Socialism is a trademark of the Left. You're only trying to confuse and misdirect when you focus on Romneycare and not Obamacare. To the extent that a Republican believes in socialized health care, he's a Leftist masquerading as a Rightist. Or in Romney's case, he's probably just a wishy-washy middle-of-the-roader compromising with the radical Left.

And don't use the word "Progressive". Progressive implies that radical socialist policies are something new and forward-moving. It implies that statism hasn't been tried before and hasn't ultimately resulted in atrocities on a massive scale. Laissez-Faire Capitalism is the only "progressive" social system that has ever existed. Socialism/Communism/Fascism/Theocracy, and any other form of Statism, is Regressive.


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