This article is excellent. I made an account here just to comment on this article. I'm glad SOMEONE gives a damn about our inalienable individual rights, and I'm glad SOMEONE sees that the bullcrap our government is doing has implications on our lives. I had never even considered it from the perspective of being a furry. I'd considered it simply from the perspective of a human being watching his rights slowly slip away more and more each day.
Consider this: The government already imposes "sin taxes" on things such as alcohol, tobacco, etc. The local government of New York banned sugary beverages above a certain size from being sold outside grocery stores. Who's to say ten years from now, some Dudly do-gooder politician won't learn about the fandom, think we're gross, and impose a "sin tax" on conventions or (try to enforce one) on fursuit makers.
Just because the government is already doing something doesn't excuse or justify it. The Supreme Court established an unprecedented precedent when they ruled Obamacare constitutional. They said loud and clear to the world that, somehow, the Constitution gives our government the power to control our actions and penalize our inactions in order to control every aspect of our lives. It's only a matter of time before the politicians start pushing more and more of this crap now that that message has been sent out.
Keep hiding from politics. Just don't complain when you wake up one day and you aren't allowed to do anything that gives you joy in life anymore. Hopefully, people like me and the OP will help win this war against America on the battlefield of ideas, so that we and the rest of you don't have to wake up to a world where we have no liberties left.
This article is excellent. I made an account here just to comment on this article. I'm glad SOMEONE gives a damn about our inalienable individual rights, and I'm glad SOMEONE sees that the bullcrap our government is doing has implications on our lives. I had never even considered it from the perspective of being a furry. I'd considered it simply from the perspective of a human being watching his rights slowly slip away more and more each day.
Consider this: The government already imposes "sin taxes" on things such as alcohol, tobacco, etc. The local government of New York banned sugary beverages above a certain size from being sold outside grocery stores. Who's to say ten years from now, some Dudly do-gooder politician won't learn about the fandom, think we're gross, and impose a "sin tax" on conventions or (try to enforce one) on fursuit makers.
Just because the government is already doing something doesn't excuse or justify it. The Supreme Court established an unprecedented precedent when they ruled Obamacare constitutional. They said loud and clear to the world that, somehow, the Constitution gives our government the power to control our actions and penalize our inactions in order to control every aspect of our lives. It's only a matter of time before the politicians start pushing more and more of this crap now that that message has been sent out.
Keep hiding from politics. Just don't complain when you wake up one day and you aren't allowed to do anything that gives you joy in life anymore. Hopefully, people like me and the OP will help win this war against America on the battlefield of ideas, so that we and the rest of you don't have to wake up to a world where we have no liberties left.
Five stars on this article!