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Tax payers pay for Obamacare, Obamacare pays for local government ambulance rides, Tax payers pay more for Obamacare. Aw well, more money for Jersey.

These days job of the state's is to stand united and siphon as much money out of the federal chauffeurs as possible.

But you know, they really didn't need our help in this endeavor. If they were more honest and just said "Hey, the local township wants to this new way! It'll make us more independent and make the local government money instead of losing it supplying equipment to the volunteers." made their case and had people vote on it, wouldn't have taken them so long as this shock and awe crap.

It's sad that politicians don't believe in their own ability to sell their ideas on their own merits. So instead look for a way to defame and distract to obtain what they desire. I would dare not even call them politicians, for they don't run on policy, but instead exploit fallacy.


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