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Posting now might be necromancy on my part, but I need to share this insight.

You're pulled over by a cop after you drift through an intersection. He hands you a ticket. The ticket reads speeding. You blurt out "Speeding?? I thought this was about running the red light!" The cop then takes the ticket back and ADDS the red light running citation and hands it back to you to sign.

The politicians accused us of "inappropriate behavior", then waited to see who we would finger. An old, dirty trick. It failed, we couldn't even bring out a case of indecent drunkenness.

...I was about to say that a furry meet which successfully upheld a genuinely Puritanical standard likely blew these politicians minds, but I bite my tongue on that. They're sociopaths, a 12 guage shotgun to their heads wouldn't invoke "mind blowing" feelings from them, feeding them into a wood chipper feet first wouldn't invoke feelings of suffering from them, the 9'th level of hell wouldn't make them feel anything but bland emptiness even though that is where they belong... just my opinion.


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