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Here's what I think could have happened (hypothetical here), someone who wanted to cut the funding from the budget hoped to squeeze some concessions (or just didn't like the idea of this weird group hanging around there) and got the bright idea that something really terrible must be going on at this furry party because hey, it's furry and they're known for that crap. Someone saw or heard about or maybe just guessed there was some fursuit shenanigans going on and came up with the idea of a photo so horrible that the mere threat of showing it would get them anything they want - it got them what they want but then the media got whiff of it and now they're focussing on the drinking because they can't prove anything else - but even the videos show nothing more than people milling around (notice it's just the fursuits and not actually anything they claim to be the problem with the party).

Do we even known if there's the 'simulated sexual act' that was offhandedly mentioned in the news? That might be nothing but gossip given life as well. They didn't push that aspect in the news clip which I would think would be more troubling (and ratings grabber too!), they pushed the whole drinking angle - but it's a freakin' private party and if there was excessive drinking then where are the consequences of that? You don't hear anything about damages, no fights, no trouble with neighbors or workers... it's all a non-issue that is only getting any sort of attention because some people attending are in mascot uniforms. They mention people working there being possibly uncomfortable - no interviews with them? Neighbors being annoyed or disgusted, no interviews or statements? It's just the mayor, who I understand would not want to deal with this so he's giving them exactly what you would expect as a reaction. Frustrating is the least of it.


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