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I'm sorry, but this and Watergate are nowhere near the same. The economic, social, and political landscape of the U.S. during each of these periods are very different. I will credit the author with taking a more stern approach to the scandal, but as someone who is active in politics, public policy, and foreign affairs, this case could only be paralleled to Valery Plame of the previous administration.

If you had made this comparison, it would better reflect that the growing power of the Executive branch and commonplace dysfunction that can occur in Congress is a much more recent trend that revolves around 3 major shifts: Technological innovations (and the powers to control/monitor it by government and business leaders), ethnic shifts (institutes that delve into U.S. population trends find both Asian America and Hispanic American (as well as immigrants of both regions) are the largest growing populations, while others are stagnant or barely growing), and the boom of economic globalization. All have had reverberations in our economic society, our social society, and our political society. This comparison, within a short period of time, would also be capable of starkly contrasting the two political parties, while reflecting leadership decisions between both President's are not as contrasting as you would think.

I am not here to debate, so if you wish to reply then please do and I will try to read it. But I've learned online debates more often than not go nowhere, and I'd rather move forward.

I appreciate the efforts of Flayrah and FNN for posting this, though I will join other voices and state that this form of expression is something we should care about. But it simply does not have direct relevance to the society. Nor does it necessarily attract positive attention. This does not mean either news source should not post political content. However, if it were possible to highlight stories in the news that reflect the interests of this fandom (policies/politics/stories that affect animals, e-commerce, artwork, entertainment, etc.), it would develop a healthy and active audience. This is my opinion though, and I do not speak on behalf of the majority of members who are furs or visitors to this website.


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