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EDIT: Sorry, the "YOU" here is referring to original poster, not the person I directly hit reply to. :)

Gosh, I'd love to talk to a libertarian who is a "thinker" because every, every, every single time I've discussed politics with one, they quickly get angry and stomp off when I bring up basic things like "Explain how would the internet could have come to be without decades of federal government expenditure?"

Libertarianism is simple, reality is complex. They do not correlate.

Anyway, so let me get this straight. Fast and Furious (actually, the real program was initiated while George W. Bush was president) is about how Arizona's lax gun control laws have turned the state into a gun supermarket for Mexican gangs? Essentially, the same conservatives and libertarians who whined about Obama imposing the fed to take your guns away are now whining that Obama hasn't treaded on Arizona's gun laws enough?


If you weren't complaining about overreach of fed when George W. Bush suspended Habeus Corpus, initiated programs that spied on American citizen's phone calls illegally, arrested innocent Canadians and sent them to Syria to be tortured, then I don't know what road you're traveling on. I was too young to "experience" Watergate but having read several books on it as well as Nixon (a tragic, fascinating figure indeed), Nixon, Reagan, Bush II - all part of a continuous story involving many of the same presidential-power-mad players behind the scenes. To compare Obama's presidency to this means you aren't really paying attention.


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