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Not that I'm all that terribly active of a selling artist, but back when FurBuy started I was doing a number of auctions on FurBid and looking for more places to sell. So I took a look at FurBuy.

And I was immediately visually assaulted with a giant bunny ass. Then I went to the main page and saw thumbnails for XXX auctions listed in the Feature Auctions equally with G-rated auctions. I just checked and the bunny ass is gone, but the mixing of mature and G auctions on the main page is still there. Now, contrary to popular opinion, I am not anti-spooge. I am anti-shove-it-in-people's-faces-without-giving-them-a-choice, which is exactly what I saw this site doing.

There is no way in hell I would ever sell on a site that does not know how to properly separate X-rated material from G-rated. It ain't that damned hard to at least list them on totally separate pages.


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