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I'm sorry, but I have to express a degree of distaste on this. Whether you're for or against obamacare (and I have a feeling some of the opinions regarding this post would be different had SCOTUS made a different decision) many of us simply do not want to read political editorials on Flayrah. There's a whole wide internet for that. We come here for furry news. Lots of things indirectly have an impact on the furry community and don't get coverage; and that's fine. That's what the forums are for. As I understand it this site was intended to educate and inform people on news directly involving the fandom. Unless there is a specific furry-claus in the bill or the government is mandating we get insurance for our fursonas, I'm not interested in reading about it here. We can already see the negative effect that this is having on the readers, and I think we would all be happy with simply leaving the political editorializing to the talking heads and self-righteous bloggers on both political ends.


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