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Ah, well, there's the problem - as a non-citizen, I must put furries first. I also come from the UK (edit: but as said below, have lived and worked in the U.S. since 2005), where universal health care has been the status quo for sixty years.

The law has been judged constitutionally valid, although not in the way that the current administration had hoped. If you feel such taxes are inappropriate, a constitutional amendment may be the best means of redress.

Almost all taxes are redistributive to some extent - presumably one reason why those opposed to redistribution feel so strongly about any taxes. As a taxpayer who supports the goal of universal health care, I am more concerned whether the money spent is being used effectively for that purpose. As a practical matter, U.S. medical facilities already provide significant health care to those who do not pay for it - it is just not given in a timely manner, but only in emergency situations, ultimately costing us in higher premiums.

I do not see such pieces being common on Flayrah, if only because there are relatively few political issues likely to appeal to furries as a group. But we shall see!


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