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You may rate this piece, or comment – though nobody is holding a gun to your head. I see no reason to remove it. Most publications of significance include a certain amount of political opinion content, and many endorse specific candidates after considering how their policy positions may affect the interests of their readership.

This year I feel there is a particular reason why they might want to be involved; I've seen enough furry charitable fundraisers for U.S. fans made destitute through medical bills to seek a more permanent solution. I also believe our demographics means we are particularly likely to benefit as a group if this Act is preserved, and lose if it is repealed.

More generally, voting is important, not enough young people do it, and furry fandom is full of them. As a legal alien, I cannot vote in the U.S. elections myself (despite seven years of paying taxes), but I see no reason not to encourage others to do so.

Given the Libertarian Party's stated support of freedom of speech and the press, I am a little surprised that you'd prefer censorship.


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