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Week seven. Brave has passed Madagascar 3. Last year’s anthropomorphic leaders look sickly in comparison to this year’s.

WALL-E ($223,808,164)
Beauty and the Beast ($218,967,620)
How to Train Your Dragon ($217,581,231)
Aladdin ($217,350,219)
Kung Fu Panda ($215,434,591)
*Brave ($214,261,000)*
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax ($214,030,500)
*Madagascar 3 ($208,670,400)*
Ratatouille ($206,445,654)
Tangled ($200,821,936)
Monsters vs. Aliens ($198,351,526)
Happy Feet ($198,000,317)
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs ($196,573,705)
Ice Age: The Meltdown ($195,330,621)
Madagascar ($193,595,521)
Toy Story ($191,796,233)
Cars 2 ($191,452,396)
*Ted ($188,461,000)*
Madagascar 2 ($180,010,950)
Ice Age ($176,387,405)
Kung Fu Panda 2 ($165,249,063)
Puss in Boots ($149,260,504)
Rio ($143,619,809)
Rango ($123,477,607)
*Ice Age: Continental Drift ($105,547,000)*

Fred Patten


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