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That should be "Best in Show", not "Best of Show".

With that out of the way, I would add my opinion of "The Blood Jaguar", which is that it is an excellent book and to this day remains a personal favorite even 13 years after reading it. I'm looking forward to the publication of the novel "Rat's Reputation", which covers a lot more territory than the short story by the same title (some of you may have seen another of Payne's short stories that used to be available online, entitled "Rat's Reckoning"; that one is also part of "Rat's Reputation" the novel).

If I had one small complaint about "The Blood Jaguar", it's that there is one chapter about a third of the way through, entitled "In the Hall of the Bison King" if memory serves, that's just sort of a sidebar story dropped into the middle that really doesn't do anything important for the novel's overall story arc. It's an amusing story in itself so definitely read it, but you could literally skip the chapter and read it later.


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