I think we're on the same side, dude, calm down. We're both unimpressed, especially considering how batshit insane excited people got over the first article, which has only recently been surpassed as the highest rated article on Flayrah.
The only difference, I suppose, is why. You, because science. Me, because hairband with ears that twitch, maybe by the wearer kinda sorta thinking about it, maybe not. Who cares?
I think we're on the same side, dude, calm down. We're both unimpressed, especially considering how batshit insane excited people got over the first article, which has only recently been surpassed as the highest rated article on Flayrah.
The only difference, I suppose, is why. You, because science. Me, because hairband with ears that twitch, maybe by the wearer kinda sorta thinking about it, maybe not. Who cares?
Not me.
I guess that's my point.