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A disappointment to see the FBA being passed up again for an UMA, but Rosenthal's spectacular FBA poster was up against stiff competition. From the comments I read here, I think many fans were looking at art medium rather than concept or design. The drawing of 23 unique characters of different species, sizes, and personalities along with colorful jerseys and pro-quality team logos all 100% designed by the fandom was overshadowed by the drawing style being cartoony. I thought the earlier comment of the piece being "Nothing you wouldn't see in a large scale commission on FA" was particularly dismissive of the unique contribution of so many individuals in designing the piece. Rosenthal may have been the pair to put down the pixels, but dozens of furries designed the characters, the teams, the uniforms, the logos... it's a shame that much effort is so easy to dismiss.

It was a delight to see the UMA staff recognize the unique contribution of Rosenthal's piece to the fandom, and I hope to FBA continues to be recognized. And a big congratulations to this website for receiving an award! Flayrah most certainly deserves it.

...and that's a swish.


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