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It's a dynamic:

They've maintained throughout the series, too, with most of the episodes focusing on conflicts between the main characters rather than between the characters and some outside force. And even though I'm one of those who was slightly disappointed by the second season--both show runner Lauren Faust and story editor Rob Renzetti left the series after the initial script approvals, and the lack of a head writer really shows in the way a lot of the scripts kind of fudge over important plot points that a few lines of dialogue could've easily addressed--the writers always get the character interactions right.

It's just a show that encourages overthinking. I mean, I've already written one essay on it, and if I didn't have so many other projects going on, I would sit down and firm up this piece I have floating around in my head to compare and contrast the radically different outcomes of the second season episodes "The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well" and "Sweet and Elite" even though Rainbow Dash in the first and Rarity in the second are essentially behaving in exactly the same way. Fun, fun stuff!

Mike Again


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