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She's apparently the only pony from the original series they are still legally allowed to use, for some copyright reason that baffles me. So, any alcoholic jokes slipped into a kid's show are from the 80s.

Well, except for that one episode where a shrunken Applejack (I'd say it makes sense in context, but it doesn't really make sense in context. It's a cartoon.) is referred to as "Apple Teeny."

And that episode from the second season I haven't seen about cider that seems pretty much to exist for no other purpose than to provide out of context pictures of ponies carrying mugs of something that looks suspiciously like beer, but is totally just cider, and by cider I of course mean American, non-alcoholic cider. Probably.

... yeah, the "Applejack is a type of alcohol" thing is totally acknowledged in an "adult bonus" kind of way.


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