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Well, given her last name, there are worse things I could imply.

But, seriously, the Pinkie Pie thing was what really struck me; I was watching, and then all of the sudden, bam, I just went "Oh my God, Pinkie Pie just saved a cat!"

It really is an old-fashioned trick; Blake Snyder's book pretty much begins saying "I love this part in movies myself, but lots of people told me not to even put it in the book, much less title the book after it, because they feel it's outdated and hackneyed." It is really, really, really out of style right now, though I suspect it will be going back in style soon.

I guess I should be clear before I get attacked by angry bronies is that it is a really darn good trick and I like it in movies and have tried to use it myself when attempting screenwriting myself.


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