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Dodger's right. Chewfox did mess things up pretty bad. And if anyone was to be called a stereotypical furry then she is definitely one of them. She said some good truth but also said some wrong things to the wrong crowd. And in this society saying that all furries have sex in fur suits won't go over very well with the public especially if they already have the wrong ideas from the start.
I believe everyone have their own reason for being part of the furry fandom whether it's wanting to be part of a group or community, the art, friendship, identity, or just for fun and to goof around. What most likely needs to be changed is the so called typical furry behavior. As a general example, saying or doing the wrong thing at the wrong time at the wrong place. It takes one person to ruin a bunch of peoples lives or a fandom's reputation(like the spread of poison or disease). If they knew what was clearly right and wrong then the furs that have their-selves together wouldn't be thrown in the same group as the typical or stereotypical furs.
We can say it's not fair. But then that's what dear 'ol Dodger's explaining.


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