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First of all, when I said media, I meant BIG media. Sure I may be an artist in the community, but my art hasn't seen past a few hundreds of people offline. Online, I've might've catered to thousands of furs.
My itty bitty artwork doesn't impact a massive audience like talk shows and documentaries do.

Second, I'm not saying that we shouldn't do it. I'm just saying it should be done with maximum precaution because we're JUST getting over the ChewFox incident and we had a minor hiccup with the Steve Brule shitcom. I'm not being negative, if you think I'm being negative, that's on you. I know a lot of furs who are up in at arms about this because they know how MTV is, how they've re-recorded fights and reconstracted a lot of passed events just because it was juicy and drama filled. All I'm saying is that if they want a furry, just make sure it's someone on the lighter side of the spectrum because Furries ARE the bunt of the jokes for everyone. Hell, we're on the bottom of the social chain right now and we're JUST starting to move back up.

Lastly, I'm NOT afraid of my parents about me being furry NOR am I ashamed of being one! I choose to not tell my family because it's not a big deal to me. It does not define who I am. That's like having to come out to my friends about me being part Black or being right handed or being brown haired. It's ridiculous in my case. How dare you assume I'm ashamed of being who I am, you don't even know me and know what I've been through.

There's a lot to deal with for a 16 - 18 year old who possibly has NOT told their folks about being furry. For some families, it's as bad as being homosexual. People fear what they don't understand, known fact, and the furry community is no exception. It'd be nice to have a fur who is not extreme (not into weird, abnormal fetishes IF you want to bring that up) in the fandom and willing to do their part for the community.

But I see you like to be quick to judge and make ridiculous accusations about people, so I guess I cannot expect you to think like I do.


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