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“Krishna aur Kans” has achieved something that would be unthinkable in America: tax-free status in six states, with probably more to follow, plus block-bookings by schools for their students, by companies for their employees, and by religious groups for their followers. That’s what happens when an adventure movie about the battles of monsters, demons, and conquering armies versus a 10-year-old god is released in a country deeply devoted to that god.

According to Animation Xpress for 6 August, “India’s first stereoscopic 3D animated feature film “Krishna aur Kans” has been declared “Tax Free” in states like Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Kerala, Chhattisgarh & West Bengal. Further key states like Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Madhya Pradesh are also strongly considering the proposal. This dual impact of tax-free status in major territories and the release of the film close to Janmasthami is already turning the film into a great success story. It has created a frenzy of advance block bookings across the country as seen never before for any animated film. Schools across the states have started doing block bookings of the shows for their students. Even corporate, social groups and clubs in various cities across the country have done block bookings for their employees and members through Religious organizations like ISCKON and various others have their members booking the shows in advance. The film is released all over the country today.”

Fred Patten


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