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Zambesia. Lots of anthro birds! So what if The Guardians: The Legend of Ga’Hoole and Rio didn’t get very far?

Uh, Fred, did you just leak that Rio didn't win this year?

I'm not guessing next year's nominees (in the actual table-wise) until this year's winner is announced, but Ice Age, Madagascar and Rise of the Guardians, with Ted on the outside and probably, yeah, I'll go with The Wolf Children for an early, unofficial guess. Lot of anime fandom crossover in the furry fandom.

I think Zambesia's problem is more being non-American than bird based; it won't get a major American release until next year, and I'm still betting the vast majority of the voters are American. Lot of anime fans, sure, but African animation fans? Not yet. Maybe Rakuen Growlithe will start some kind of grassroots campaign for it. Actually, if anything, I expect it to be more likely to show up at the Oscars, at least as an "early qualifying run" type entrant.

I'll probably be one of those nominating Rise of the Guardians for Bunnymund. Either that, and it will likely garner a Most Disappointing Movie mention from me come December.

Also, I wouldn't count Brave out just yet; I'm sensing some kind of vaguely furry human to bear transformation in those trailers.


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