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Hi Fred - can't tell if it was enjoyed or not by the 2 stars. I don't think TWILIGHT's success has helped much with WEREWORLD's fortunes - you're right that folk do assume it's bandwagoning as werewolves are 'en vogue' again after those books, but I probably started writing RISE in 2006, a year before Meyer's first novel was released, so was utterly unaware of upcoming mega-success of that book.

First and foremost, WEREWORLD is fantasy - it's fantasy horror (fantasy BIG F, horror SMALL H) - and as such it's really a world away from other vamp/wolfie novels for YAs which are mostly contemporary world set. WEREWORLD's world setting owes more to Middle Earth and is pure fantasy. My first loves have always been horror and fantasy, so WW was a fine marriage of the two (certainly to me!) ;-)

Anyhoo's, hope you stay with the series. Things get ramped up quite dramatically as the story progresses (and while RISE showed me learning the ropes of novel-writing I'm beginning to break into my stride with RAGE OF LIONS). Currently plotting the fifth novel in the series and shall be kicking off writing this coming week. Cheers for the feedback guys!



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